Paper Submission and Template

  • Papers submitted must be original work and should not have been previously published or presented at another meeting.
  • Papers should be written in English.
  • For both primary and co-authors, credentials along with their full names and email addresses must be included. If co-authors are from different institutions, the secondary institution(s) and the institution investigators are associate with must be listed using a superscript.
  • Papers topic should conform to the scope of the conference/symposium.
  • The submitted paper is at least of 5 pages and no more than 8 pages with A4 Paper size in doc format.
  • Papers must be written in the format in this ICoA 2019 template
  • Please submit your abstract and full paper to the official ICoA 2019 email, 


  • Selected papers will be published on one of the following journals with additional article processing charges (APC) or on the 6th ICoA Proceeding.
  • Further information about the related journals can be seen below.

Further information about Agritech Journal.

Further information about Sustainability Journal.

Further information about Environments Journal.

Further information about Agroindustrial Journal.

Further information about  IJERPH

Further information about TWC Journal